i have geographic tongue

and this week, it looks like this.

gross, right? in case you're wondering about this whole "disease", as it looks, the lighter portion in the middle of the tongue is what color the whole thing is supposed to be. the "raw patches" are caused and placed at random due to God knows what...usually stress. I didn't think I was that stressed out...apparently my stress is out of control. for those of you who may now be discouraged to eat/drink after me, have no worries. it's not contagious. I'm not real sure why I got it in the first place...I guess that's what a senior year in high school will do to you.

today feels like another one of those days needed to be spent by myself. I'm not in the mood to see people...not because I don't appreciate them being present in my life and not because I need a reflective day. I think about my life enough already. in fact, I'm now making the decision to think about other people's lives over mine. it's much nicer to see that those around me are happy.actually, I'm not sure where this mood comes from, but its here.

it's beautiful outside minus the slight chill, and thoughts stirring within me say to hell with my bad knees, and that it's a perfect day for a "hard day" run out on Cypress...pushing myself to the limit and running down hills so fast it doesn't feel like I'm running. it feels like a day for accomplishing things, and yet, I have work that I should be at now and a basketball game I refuse to not attend.

so now, after an accomplishing day at work, I feel better about things and am looking forward to what this evening might lend. basketball is in roughly 30 minutes, and I'm stoked. why do I love it so much? I don't know, but it's hard to find a better feeling than chills from a close, winning game. to celebrate with others in their success. to be present in that moment. if only we had more supportive fans.

speaking of fans, I'm watching the "Super Bowl Sports Center", and they just did a pan of the crowd of fans. in the midst of da Bears fans was a man in a Marlins jersey. wrong sport, wrong state, wrong jersey. as I keep telling myself, "get it together."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.